
Nigerian solar energy program will benefit 92,000 families

According to the local media, "Nigeria Daily" reported that a relevant department of the media statement shows that the Nigerian solar energy program, the first quarter of 2016, 49,000 households on the use of solar lighting or solar power supply system, the pace of Development in line with the plan.

The statement also states that 45,000 of these households are in the northern states of Nigeria and that solar systems are provided on full commercial terms, depending on the user's choice of cash payments, loans or equipment leases. 

Solar energy systems include small solar street lights, solar powered portable generator large areas of solar home systems, said Genevieve Bosah, director of public relations for solar projects. Solar home systems can provide power to multiple lights, televisions and fans.

"Since mid-2015, the Nigerian Solar Program and its partner program 'Lighting Africa' have provided solar energy to a total of 182,000 households," the statement said.

The statement states that the Nigerian solar program aims to build the distributed solar market in the Nigerian market by lending to high-quality solar energy suppliers to remove market barriers.

According to media reports, the program also funded the relevant institutions, so that it installed and installed on commercial terms to provide users with solar energy systems.

