Recently, Israel announced plans to construction of the largest-ever solar power plant, the power-generating facilities located in the southern Negev desert, capacity up to 500 MW.
Israeli Minister of Finance said in a statement, he said the project covers an area of about 6 square kilometers (2.3 square miles).
The Minister also said that the project will be through the company's partnership model, the winning company will invest, build and run the power generation facility, which is also helpful for portable solar power generator, until completely normal and then turned to the state.
The government will full publish the prequalified companies in the future months.
Ministry of Finance said it had obtained approval from the 10 companies participating in the bidding, construction and operation of another smaller 40 MW photovoltaic power plant. The project is expected to be officially opened by the end of 2018.
Both projects are part of achieving the 2020 renewable energy targets for Israel.