
Portugal template into a low carbon economy

In recent years, Portugal rapid transformation to a clean energy should be attributed to the government's ambitious targets. According to foreign media reports, the Portuguese government has approved the Alejanto region for six months (until May 2016) unsubsidized 180MW of solar photovoltaic power generation project recently. During this period (since September 2015), Energy and Geology Bureau Portugal received a total of 68 project applications.

Currently, Portugal has been authorized and unauthorized 2.3GW solar projects. Of these, 35 projects are still authorized to apply for approximately 1.25GW stage.

According to the Portuguese national network of energy released in June this year, in Portugal for four consecutive days to achieve the national electricity supply entirely dependent on renewable energy sources, most of which comes from hydropower, wind power, biomass and solar power. Solar power also drive solar powered portable generator. Portugal renewable energy sector has made great achievements, it has become a successful model of the industrial economy of low-carbon transition

