Pakistan's "national newspaper", "News" September 20 reported that ZTE Energy to invest $ 1.5 billion in Pakistan's Punjab province construction 900 MW PV power plant is scheduled to ground in June 2016 completed, however, in December 2015, Pakistan State electricity regulatory Agency (NAPRA) with solar panels and related equipment prices fell by the photovoltaic electricity price from the previous 14.5 cents / kWh down to 9.25 cents / kWh. ZTE Energy filed this lawsuit, so far, the plant total generating capacity of only 200 megawatts, and far distance with the plan.
Analysts believe that the tariff cut, or will the government's ambitious plan to bring PV obstacles, it is also not good for solar powered portable generator market. It is estimated that the Palestinian demand for electricity grew by 8% -10%, the current peak power shortfall of about 7,000 megawatts, so the rural and urban areas respectively blackouts 14 and 10 hours a day. According to World Bank data, the all Pakistan about 44% of households not connected to the national grid system in which 80% concentrated in the rural areas.
Power report quoted experts commented that the Government of Pakistan should resolve as soon as possible resurgence energy photovoltaic power generation project issues, formulate a unified and stable pricing policy, to change the current case purchase negotiation strategy to encourage private investors in an open, fair, transparent, competitive and orderly under the environment into the field of renewable energy, while providing power transmission lines by the government, financial support and other aspects of land acquisition before the new energy power generation success.